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Friday, April 22, 2011

Our Twilight Travels begin...

Our 'Twilight' journey began on January 15, 2011, who knew that it would become such an obsession?! Lora had been asking me to go on a road-trip to Forks with her for about a year; so when her birthday rolled around in January I knew this would be the perfect time to gas-up the car and head out toward the coast. We knew that it would likely be raining; being residents of the Pacific Northwest ourselves, this did not concern us, we're used to a little precipitation. As our luck would have it, we were actually heading into the eye of a storm. Both days that we were in Forks it poured notnstop; well until we were leaving anyway. As we began driving out of town, the clouds parted and little patches of blue sky began peeking through, ironic huh?!

We had such a great time during our first trip that we returned again on April 30, 2011. On this second trip    we wanted to hit the other Twilight-friendly businesses that we had missed before. Because the residents of Forks were so welcoming, we also wanted to return so we could give back to their community, helping to stimulate their economy, which was struggling to survive before "Twilight" became such a sensation! The weather was beautiful, blue skies and warm comforting sun; until we were 5 minutes away from Forks, then my windshield wipers had to leap into action! Luckily the rain was nothing more than a passing shower, the rest of our visit was beautiful.

Even though the actual sites from the movie are not located in Forks, these are the locations that inspired Stephenie Meyer to write her "Twilight saga." In fact, Stephenie visited Forks in July of 2004, at that time she toured the town and selected these very locations as the ones she had conceived in her mind while she was writing the books.